Something I Noticed

I know that I have posted before about Biden having a double. I pointed out that the Biden of today had different earlobes than the Biden of the past, and many of you blew it off, saying that it was because he had had a facelift. So let’s look at another subtle hint.

Here is Biden during last night’s address:

Now look at the Biden that was sworn in as President in 2021:

Here is Biden from June of 2021:

Here he is from his days as Vice President:

In each of these photos, compare the length of the index and ring fingers. The relationship between them, called the 2D:4D digit ratio, is determined by the testosterone and estrogen levels that are present during puberty. Some studies even show that the ratio is tied to performance on standardized tests like IQ tests and SAT tests.

In any case, it looks like the 2D:4D ratio on Biden’s hand is not constant. Even though there are not a lot of pictures of Biden’s hand that clearly show his fingers, the ratio does appear to vary somewhat when you look at some of them as opposed to others.

Biden Speech? You Decide

Biden gave an address from the Oval office last night. Something about it was off. It looked more like an AI fake to me, because his mouth wasn’t moving like a normal person’s mouth. Not only that, but he didn’t look right. See what I mean, with Biden from last night on the left, looking much younger and fitter:

His eyes aren’t even the same color as they were in past photos.

This is Why the US Will Fall

I want you to look at this story. The left entered the House gallery and “protested” in an attempt to derail Congress. Not one of them was charged with interfering with the government before being locked up for years while awaiting trial.

The “protesters” grabbed a cop and dragged him across the ground. None of them were arrested.

The left is going to overthrow the government, and the right will do nothing but sit around arguing about shit that is completely irrelevant. It’s the biggest problem that I have with libertarians, and it keeps rearing its head. The left is using violence to alter an election, again. Meanwhile, the right is busy arguing about semantics.

This is why the left will win.


My social media feeds flipped to being overwhelmingly about THROATUS over the past few days. It’s been overwhelming to the point where social media is unreadable at this point. I am guessing that Kamala is using all of those campaign funding dollars to hire a few people to run thousands of social media accounts to shill for her. It wouldn’t be hard to do.

One person can easily send 30 messages/posts/tweets per hour, all on different accounts. That means a total of 240 messages in an 8 hour workday. If you were to hire 150 people at $15 an hour, if would cost you about half a million bucks per month. During that same month, more than a million messages would be posted in support of you from a million different accounts.

It would look like overwhelming support, and that is assuming you don’t use bots to get even more coverage.

Four Days

So we are four days into operation of the solar equipment. Right now, we are operating on a limited basis, more on that in a moment. I am not home because we are on the road, but both air conditioners, all vampire loads, and the water heater are running.


We chose a system that is 10 kilowatts DC. That translates to about 8600 watts AC. The system begins generating electricity at about 9am, and reaches a peak of 8kw at around 10:30. By 1pm, the Powerwalls are fully recharged from the night before. At that point, there is no place else for the generated power to go, so system output drops to match whatever the house is using. More on that later.

We haven’t used any electricity from the grid since the sun came up on Friday morning. That indicates that I have enough panels for my house.


There are two places that I can store the power I generate. One of them is in the Powerwall, which has a total capacity of 27 KWh. Right now, I am maintaining a minimum of 30% as emergency backup, and using the rest to compensate for lower output at night or overcast conditions, or to make up for transient high loads, like when both air conditioners and the water heater are running at the same time. The advantages of using the battery are that the power stays within my home, and losing the grid means that I can still access it. The disadvantage is that the upfront cost of batteries is high.

The second place that I can store generated power is in the grid. The electric company buys my excess power in the form of credits that I can redeem when my system can’t keep up with the loads that I am placing on it- nighttime, stormy weather, or when loads simply exceed what I am producing. The advantage of this is that the upfront cost is low, but the disadvantage is that it relies on the electrical grid for redemption.

I can’t use the grid as storage because I don’t yet have permission to operate (PTO) from the power company. I should get it within two weeks after our final electrical inspection, which is supposed to be this week. So we should be fully operational by August 9.

Results So Far

Each day, we are generating between 35 and 45 kWh before panel output is reduced when the batteries are full. The solar energy being generated is directly running the house during the day, with the rest charging the Powerwalls, which run the house at night.

The water heater is using 4 kw when running, the upstairs AC is using 1.5kw, the downstairs AC uses 2.7kw, and the rest of the house uses 0.3kw. Since the ACs and water heater don’t run all of the time, the panels are more than capable at this point of keeping up by charging the batteries during the periods when the large appliances aren’t running.

Once we get our PTO, I will know more.

Here it Comes

I continue with my prediction that the left won’t let Trump take office again. With that in mind, here is what THROATUS is saying she wants to do:

Make sure that you have enough guns for you, your friends, family, and a hidden cache as a backup so they don’t get all of them. Make sure you have lots of ammo. It’s coming. I’ve been warning you for four years now- you DID heed my warnings, didn’t you?

You Need a Program to Identify the Acts of the Play

So here it is, to get you caught up:

  1. They tried to smear him in 2016 by claiming Russian collusion. The evidence, as it turns out, was fake.
  2. they tried impeaching him
  3. they tried impeaching him again
  4. they tried suing him into the poorhouse
  5. they filed tons of criminal charges against him, finally getting a conviction on some rather dubious legal grounds. When SCOTUS issued the ruling on Presidential immunity, the court delayed sentencing.
  6. All of the other cases were dead in the water. The left went apoplectic.

Then there was an assassination attempt on Trump’s life. In order for this event to have happened, at least one of two things must be true:

  • The Secret Service is entirely incompetent.
  • The Secret Service was complicit in the attempt.

There are no other possibilities. Where I am leaning is complicity.

In either event, the attempt failed. Then the poll numbers came out, and Trump’s numbers looked even better. It was at this point that Biden reversed course and decided to drop out of the race, citing health concerns. So now there are only two possibilities:

  1. Biden is too addled and mentally incompetent to run for office, which makes him too addled to hold the office of President, and he needs to go under the 25th Amendment. Now.
  2. Or, he resigned because his numbers looked so bad that it was unlikely that he would beat Trump in the election. In this case, the left is guilty of election tampering. The Democrat party can no longer claim to “support democracy(tm)”

No matter which of the above is true, welcome to banana republic status.