My Florida Opinion

JKB over at GunFreeZone asks if it would be legal to shoot if this were to happen in [your state]. Here is my opinion on how Florida law would handle this:

At the beginning of the video, the three in it were committing a felony (grand larceny) as well as trespassing. You cannot use deadly force to protect property. However, as soon as they saw that the homeowner was there, they threatened to shoot him if he came out of his house. That immediately raises the offence to carjacking, which Florida law 812.133 defines thusly:

“Carjacking” means the taking of a motor vehicle which may be the subject of larceny from the person or custody of another, with intent to either permanently or temporarily deprive the person or the owner of the motor vehicle, when in the course of the taking there is the use of force, violence, assault, or putting in fear.

It also constitutes robbery with a firearm, 812.13 (a first degree felony)

“Robbery” means the taking of money or other property which may be the subject of larceny from the person or custody of another, with intent to either permanently or temporarily deprive the person or the owner of the money or other property, when in the course of the taking there is the use of force, violence, assault, or putting in fear.

The felons here are shouting that they have a gun and are willing to kill you to take the car. That creates another felony, aggravated assault 784.021:

(1) An “aggravated assault” is an assault:

(a) With a deadly weapon without intent to kill; or

(b) With an intent to commit a felony.

Since both felonies use the threat of force, they are forcible felonies. A forcible felony is defined in Florida 776.08 as:

“Forcible felony” means treason; murder; manslaughter; sexual battery; carjacking; home-invasion robbery; robbery; burglary; arson; kidnapping; aggravated assault; aggravated battery; aggravated stalking; aircraft piracy; unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a destructive device or bomb; and any other felony which involves the use or threat of physical force or violence against any individual.

emphais added

So what can you do about stopping a forcible felony? Florida 776.031 explains that:

A person is justified in using or threatening to use deadly force only if he or she reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. A person who uses or threatens to use deadly force in accordance with this subsection does not have a duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground if the person using or threatening to use the deadly force is not engaged in a criminal activity and is in a place where he or she has a right to be.

So in Florida, you would be legally justified in shooting all of them.

The Real Crime

Below, you will see the deposition of a Brevard County Deputy who arrested a man for trespassing and obstruction. The man was in a parking lot, filming a cop who was on a road 35 feet away, conducting a traffic stop. The officer here being deposed arrived on the scene and told the man that he was being trespassed, ordered him to get in his vehicle and leave.

The man walked away, and immediately left the property. He was arrested for trespassing and obstruction. The law of trespassing is where a person refuses to leave private property after being told to leave. It says nothing of leaving your vehicle and wife behind. The cop even admits that leaving your vehicle behind isn’t a crime, but leaving it behind after a cop orders you not to, is.

The case here is one that is literally “respect mah authoritay” when the man didn’t do exactly as the cop told him to, the law be damned.

It is long past time for police to lose qualified immunity.

Myth Busted

The climate change hucksters are claiming that March of 2024 was the warmest on record. I thought this year was rather cool, so I did a little checking.

I have a personal weather station on the roof of my (old) house. It recorded the temperature of March for years. This year, there were 11 days where the high temperature never went above 79 degrees, last year there were 8. In 2024, the high temperature was not above 90 degrees on any day of the month. In 2023, the mercury rose above 90 degrees three times.

There were 5 days in 2023 where the low temperature was below 50 degrees. There were 9 such days in 2024. The coldest morning of March 2024 was 42 degrees, on the 20th. In 2023, the thermometer showed that we hit 42 degrees twice, and 41 was the low for the month, on the 21st.

In other words, it was cooler this year than it was last year, but not by much. Still, that means this March was certainly not the hottest ever. Don’t piss on my shoes and tell me that it’s raining.

Militarization of the IRS

The IRS has spent tax week training new agents in “dynamic entry” of suburban homes.

They are not doing this to target drug dealers and organized crime leaders. The government is preparing an independent army of IRS agents who can work undercover, spy on citizens, and seize assets.

You don’t need machine guns to catch tax cheats, you need accountants armed with calculators and spreadsheets.

Statists: “Weapons of War do not belong on Our Streets. They are evil machines whose only purpose is to kill dozens of people at once”

Also statists: *give assault weapons to the Department of Agriculture and the IRS*

Domestic Terrorism

How to get the idiot to release the rebar:

  • Heat the rebar with an acetylene torch
  • energize the rebar using an electric fence controller
  • or repeatedly punch him in the face, with a shovel.

Watch the video here and tell me what solutions you would like to see.

People are catching on that the system is screwed up. It’s waking people up to how bad it really is.

Amen, brother

The only part of this that I disagree with is the statement “Donald Trump is going to crush these people in November.” They are proving, through these actions, that they will stop at nothing to cheat their way into victory. I don’t think that the election will be a fair one, and for that reason, I believe that Biden will win. They will make it look close so it appears just close enough to give the left a fig leaf, but the outcome is certain.

Being Overrun

While my new house was being built, a visit to the construction site on any given day would show you that no one on the construction crew could speak English. The refrain we get from the left is that “illegals do the jobs that Americans won’t do.” No, they do it for half price, because half price is still much more than they would earn in whatever shithole they came from. Still, the savings that are to be had by employing illegals is only realized by their employer, in this case the builder.

Working at my hospital, we are seeing signs that this area is being overrun by illegal immigrants. The ED at my hospital has tablets that automatically connect to medical interpreters by teleconference. The rule is that we are required to use them for gaining and disseminating information about a patient’s medical condition, if that patient doesn’t speak English.

There are three interpreter tablets for our entire ED. They are in nearly constant use, and it isn’t just Spanish. Just this week, I have had patients who only speak Haitian Creole, Spanish, and even Czech. I have at least one patient a day that doesn’t speak English, and that is in a rural area. Now multiply that by the 25 nurses on duty in my ED. Now imagine that you are in a large city where illegals are more concentrated.

You see the problem. We are being overrun.

Just Play the F*cking Song

John Meloncamp was giving a political speech in the middle of a concert when one of the people who paid to be there yelled out “Just play some music,” which really pissed off Meloncamp.

The same thing happened to me about 15 or 20 years ago, when I went to see Tonic in concert. In between songs, the band began to complain about what they referred to as “George Bush’s illegal war” and I yelled out “just play the fucking song.” Let me tell you, I almost got in a fight with several nearby concert goers who took exception to that. I don’t understand why some stoner with a guitar’s opinion on geopolitical relations is more valid than my own. If he wanted to pontificate on which guitar or microphone is of higher quality, I would listen because it’s in his wheelhouse.

International relations? Politics? Notsomuch.

Note also that he called the heckler a cocksucker, as if that word was a pejorative slur. That sounds like John wasn’t being very inclusive. In fact, it’s downright homophobic. Hoist him by his own petard.