The hospital laid off 25 nurses from the emergency department last month, and are simultaneously complaining that we are working too much overtime. As I point out the next paragraph, keep in mind the company refusing to pay overtime that was worked by their employees due to their mandatory training.
The mandatory training this month is for ethics in the workplace. Here is the company’s official definition of ethics:
Ethical conduct means acting in a way that follows company values and the law.
What? Since when are laws or company policies ethical? It was the law in Germany to kill Jews. Segregation was the law. Your company policy mandates that we do this gay-assed training, even though you will try to get out of paying us for it.
As a thought exercise, they ask what you would do if you discovered 10 extra vacation days in your account. Would you tell HR, or would you take the vacation? Let me flip that- let’s say that you forced your employees to work an extra 12 hours on mandatory training, but you were already over budget and the company doesn’t want to pay the expense of overtime? Do you simply erase the hours from employee’s time cards, or do you pay them?
Yes, I am looking for a job. Sure there are lots of nursing jobs, but most of them are in the jobs no one wants to do, like home health care or working in a nursing home. No thanks. It’s the hospital slow season because the snowbirds aren’t here, so there aren’t a lot of good jobs available until winter. So, I may not find a job that I like for another few months yet.
A search for the original claim or story about pets being killed and eaten in Ohio reveals nothing but ‘fact checkers’ calling Trump a liar from the past 48 hours. If anyone knows where the story originated, please place it in comments.
There is a scene in the movie Gardens of Stone where they are talking about the Vietnam war. The younger character says that the US can’t lose, because the VC are shooting at helicopters with arrows. The older one replies with, “How do you fight an enemy who is so dedicated that they are willing to fight helicopters with bows and arrows?”
I used to say the same thing about Islamic terrorists. They are willing to send their children into a crowd with a bomb strapped to their backs in the hope that when their child is blown up, several others will be taken out with them. How do you fight someone who is so fanatical that they are willing to sacrifice their child to score a few points?
That’s how I felt when I heard this speech:
You hate the right so much that you wish your child had been killed by a white man instead of by an illegal, just so you can blame those you hate for his death.
There is no way to reason with or negotiate with people who hate you so much that they are willing to sacrifice their children in order to score some PR points.
Here is the primary officer’s body camera. It allows you to hear the beginning of the traffic stop. Note that Hill’s window was down while he was driving, and he raised it as the officer approached. Watch the video on the left.
Anyone reading this blog knows that I am not afraid to call out the cops when they are in the wrong. I am also fair enough to see when they are in the right. In this case, the cops were in the right.
“If I wasn’t Tyreek Hill, Lord knows, I probably would have been, like, worst-case scenario, I would have been shot or would have been locked up” and “put behind bars, you know, for a simple speeding ticket,” Hill told NBC News.
It wasn’t just a simple speeding ticket. Police claim that he was going more than double speed limit in an area where pedestrians were walking to see the game he was about to play in. That’s reckless driving, which is a crime, not a traffic infraction.
Then they go on to blame racism and state that Hill’s lawyers are going to sue.
It’s hard,” Hill said. “I don’t want to bring race into it, but sometimes it gets kind of iffy when you do. What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill? Lord knows what those guys would have done. I just wanted to make sure I was doing what my uncle always told me to do whenever you’re in a situation like that — put your hands on the steering wheel and just listen.”
Were the cops out of line? Let’s take a look at the body cam.
The first thing that I noticed is that the cops aren’t white. There goes the racism charge. We all know that in today’s environment, you can’t be racist unless you are white.
The second thing you see is that the first words out of Hill’s mouth are “Don’t knock on my window like that,” which is setting the stage for how you will be treated. He says something else, followed by “Do what you gotta do,” then rolls his window back up. His windows are tinted far darker than Florida law allows, and it is impossible to see into the car. That is a sure recipe for a cop to demand your windows be rolled down, and that is exactly what happened.
When the cop again knocks on the window, Hill gives more attitude, so he is told to get out of the car. Hill doesn’t comply, so the cops threaten to break the window. As the cops are pulling him out of the car, Hill is busy calling his agent or perhaps the teams security chief ( both are named Drew) for help on the phone.
As they finish cuffing him, several of his teammates show up and begin interfering with the traffic stop. One of them eventually gets cuffed as well.
“Tyreek was in handcuffs for like 20 minutes, probably more. Team security came and was able to squash everything. Other officers pulled up — I think some superior officers pulled up. And everything worked out. But it was a crazy situation. It was not necessary.”
Note that the USA today article spends a good bit of time detailing the football accomplishments of the people involved in the incident: NFL man of the year, Heisman this, statistics on the football field that. Also there was Hill’s agent and the director of team security. Any bets on whether or not the director of team security is a former cop, and that’s why Hill was let go with only a ticket? The team had this to say:
It is both maddening and heartbreaking to watch the very people we trust to protect our community use such unnecessary force and hostility towards these players, yet it is also a reminder that not every situation like this ends in peace, as we are grateful this one did,” they said in part. “‘What if I wasn’t Tyreek Hill?’ is a question that will carry with resounding impact.
The Dolphins also called on the Miami-Dade Police Department to take “swift and strong action against the officers who engaged in such despicable behavior.”
What if he wasn’t Tyreek Hill? Well, he would not have gotten out of driving nearly 100 mph on a surface street without a valid driver’s license, that’s for sure. The left keeps lecturing us on how “no one is above the law,” but that isn’t true, and everyone knows it. Although he was cited for speeding, reckless driving, and driving without a valid license, there are currently no pending traffic tickets in Miami-Dade’s system for him. They have been magically erased.
The cop is on a paid suspension pending an investigation.
My opinion on what caused this incident to escalate of control?
This isn’t a race issue. It’s an issue of entitlement. He’s good at playing a child’s game, and for that reason he has never had to follow the rules. Schools don’t discipline them as children, because they are good at sports. The same happens as adults. They are the puppy from Starship Troopers- never disciplined, then everyone is surprised when they turn out to be criminals with no respect for the law or the rules. You know what? They are right- being good at playing with a ball means being too rich and famous to follow the same laws that the rest of us must follow.
A woman walks up to you and pretends that you are her boyfriend so she can use you to get rid of some guy who is scaring her because he is talking to her and she doesn’t find him to be attractive. This video is clearly staged, as I have seen better acting from the pizza delivery guy in a 70’s porno:
There are only three possibilities here:
He is just a guy with no game, but she wants to use you to get rid of him because she doesn’t find him attractive. In this case, she is in no danger, he is harmless, and she is wasting your time.
He really is dangerous, meaning that not only is he a danger to her, he is also a danger to you. Getting rid of him may involve you in a situation that would require you to spend money for a lawyer, a doctor, or worse. What are the odds that she will pay your legal or medical bills when this goes pear shaped?
Why would you get involved here? There is no upside for you and tons of possible down sides. I don’t know her, there is no crime happening, and why should I go around playing freelance bodyguard without compensation?
I was not put on this earth to be your free security team. Look, if I saw the dude attacking, raping, or hurting you, it might be a different story, but I am not here to serve as your employee. Helping this woman would be a great idea, if we were living in a functional society. The problem is that we aren’t, and getting involved in this means risking your life, your welfare, and your freedom.
Scott Adams asks how giving homebuyers money will cause home prices to rise.
Let me use a real life example to explain how that works. In 2009, Microsoft unveiled a new search engine. To get people to begin using it, they started a promotion. If you used Bing to arrive at a website and made a purchase, any purchase, on that website, you would get a ten percent discount (maximum $100) and you could do this once per day for ten days.
Armed with a new $10,000 credit card that offered zero percent interest and no payments for the first year, I bought 8 one ounce gold Eagle coins from Ebay. They were costing $1000 each, and with the discount, I managed to only pay $900 each for them. Why didn’t I buy ten? Because a lot of other people were doing it, and the coins had risen in price quickly and it was no longer a deal. In les than two weeks’ time, the price of gold Eagles went from $1000 to over $1100, even though the price of gold didn’t move.
Why did that happen? Because the demand side of the supply/demand equation was pressured, while supply remained the same.
The coins: I held on to them for almost a year, sold them for $1800 each, used the proceeds to pay the credit card off, and walked away after doubling my money- well, their money. I made $8k using the credit card’s money.
One of the things that is so tiring about blogging and social media is the amount of chest thumping from Internet badasses. You know what I mean- those who post things about “I would shoot that cop” or about how they would kill anyone who shoots their dog.
The endless claims about wanting to start CW2, or on how you are going to start shooting people, or other forms of statements about all of the shit they are going to do just get tiring sometimes.
Let’s face it- you aren’t going to do shit. You aren’t going to tilt your lance at a windmill, only to die needlessly charging up that hill, only to find out that your efforts and sacrifices aren’t going to matter. Even if your own little personal war du jour does begin, how do you define a win? Even if you “win,” what is your plan for what you are going to do next? It’s just childish, foolish bravado.
Instead, start deciding how you are going to survive, how you are going to keep your loved ones safe, and what you are going to do AFTER everything goes to shit.